Pros and Cons of Using Marijuana: 10 Facts from Research Data

I will answer the question as follows:
"I want to know the pros and cons of using marijuana based on research data. Please provide a concise sentence as I don't want to read long sentences."
I'm one of the founders of a cannabis shop in Thailand, and I use marijuana regularly to improve my sleep quality. In this article, I will explain 10 facts based on research data, and also share my personal experiences.
Pros of Using Marijuana
Marijuana can save people:
- CASE1: Depression
- CASE2: Epilepsy
- CASE3: Insomnia
CASE1: Depression
Approximately 280 million people in the world have depression which causes suicide that is the fourth leading cause of death in 15-29-year-olds. [1]
The common treatment is SSRI. Around 60% of people recover with medication. But one-third of people on drug treatment will develop recurrent symptoms of depression while on therapy. [2]
Also, it's unclear regarding the effectiveness of medication whether it's placebo or not. Research has shown that much of the benefit comes not from chemical effects in the brain but from a placebo effect. [3]
Can Marijuana cure Depression?
The data is insufficient for a conclusive answer. However, a study involving 364 participants indicated that 87% of them reported feeling the effects. [4] That said, other research suggests higher doses of THC correlate with depression, while lower doses correlate with a reduction in depressive symptoms. [5]
My Personal Experiences
I feel depressed once every two to three months. The feeling is like I'm standing on the edge of a cliff, and I often think "Why am I alive?". In such a situation, I use marijuana for resting. It helps me feel restored.
Living in Thailand makes me use marijuana legally, but most countries can't accept that. I definitely think using marijuana has a good effect on depression that also save lives. I hope that these values will spread, and with more research, society will change.
CASE2: Epilepsy
Here is the data that prove the effects of epilepsy.
Epidiolex, a medication containing CBD, has been proven to have positive effects on epilepsy. It has already received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). [6]
Some people might say that while CBD has medical benefits, THC (the main psychoactive compound in cannabis) only has psychoactive effects. But this is wrong. FDA approved two medicines containing THC specifically for treating conditions like pain, nausea, and vomiting. [7]
CASE3: Insomnia
Approximately 1 in 3 adults worldwide have insomnia. [8] Some medicines can effectively treat insomnia, but they often have side effects such as headaches and dizziness. Marijuana may become an alternative option for insomnia treatment.
Can Marijuana cure Insomnia?
I can definitely say YES based on my experiences. I used to suffer from severe insomnia, which would take me 3-4 hours to fall asleep.
Although the symptom becomes better these days, using marijuana makes me sleep within 5 minutes which definitely improve the wellness of my life. Additionally, my friend uses a sleep tracker that provides data indicating that marijuana leads you to deep sleep.
Research data on Marijuana and Insomnia
A large study involving a thousand participants conducted over a year suggests that marijuana improved sleep quality for individuals with various diseases. [9] Another research shows the result that THC has a benefit for deep sleep. [10]
Marijuana can Cure many Diseases
Here is the list of diseases made by Dr. Tod H. Mikuriya:

In my opinion, marijuana is similar to Traditional Chinese Medicine. I experienced severe acne that couldn't be cured with a prescription but was cured by using Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Most hospitals only suggest symptomatic treatment meaning that I have to go to the hospital every time my acne becomes severe. I couldn't cure the root problem of acne.
However, our goal is to treat the root cause of the problem, right? In my case, Traditional Chinese Medicine worked well. There are countless people suffering from chronic illnesses. I hope more people come to understand the effects of marijuana, leading to a shift in the mindset of people.
Marijuana Increases Wellness
World Health Organization (WHO) defined health as follows: [11]
Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
The followings are the effects that you can receive using marijuana:
- Food becomes more delicious. Basically, I'm not interested in food. But the food becomes the best in the world when smoking marijuana.
- Music becomes beautiful. While smoking marijuana, you may be impressed by the music and lyrics. Sitting couch and listening to music makes you happy.
- Nature becomes beautiful. The person who found the constellation may have smoked marijuana. You can feel the mystery of space by smoking marijuana.
Others may argue that there are many other benefits. For example, marijuana is good for exercise that gives you concentration. However, in my case, smoking marijuana before a workout tends to put me in a relaxed state rather than a workout mode. It's important to find what works best for you.
Cons of Using Marijuana

Here are the cons of using marijuana:
- 1) Anxiety
- 2) Lung Damage
- 3) Dependence
- 4) Productivity Loss
- 5) Memory Loss
- 6) Heart Attack
- 7) Bad for Teens
1) Anxiety
A high dose of marijuana may increase anxiety although further research is necessary. [12] In my case, smoking marijuana decreases my anxiety. Also, It's important to note that the type of anxiety I experience while smoking marijuana differs from my usual anxiety. Let me explain.
My typical anxiety is like "Will I be able to save enough money for the future?." On the other hand, while smoking marijuana, I feel like "Will I forget to breathe?". It may sound funny, but it's true.
That said, research shows that a low dose of marijuana can reduce anxiety. In conclusion, we don't have enough data yet, but finding your tolerance is beneficial for marijuana users.
2) Lung Damage
A study conducted over 20 years has provided the following conclusions [13]:
- Weed has lower toxicity compared to cigarettes.
- Lung functions improve with small doses.
When consuming around 30 joints per year, lung functions can improve. In contrast, cigarettes have an immediate negative impact on the lungs and increase the risk of cancer. That said, the doctor said the data is not complete enough. [14] Therefore, daily smoking is not recommendable.
3) Dependence
There are two large-scale studies:
Lack of nicotine can cause irritation, while dependence on marijuana causes you to difficult to sleep or increase the amount of use. [17] That said, the toxicity of weed is lower compared to alcohol and tobacco. [18]

Regularly consuming alcohol or smoking cigarettes is more harmful than using weed. Based on my personal experience, dependence on weed is much lower than on alcohol and cigarettes. I used to be a heavy drinker before, and I couldn't quit due to the dependence. In contrast, I can easily control weed consumption.
4) Productivity Loss
Temporary use of marijuana causes blunted emotion. [19]
I agree with the research. That's why I regulate my consumption of weed. Consuming marijuana more than twice a week lowers my motivation for creative work. That said, some individuals argue that marijuana increases their motivation and productivity. [20]
In my opinion, marijuana is analogous to essential oil. There are numerous types of essential oils globally, and their effects vary. The same principle applies to marijuana, as there are various strains of cannabis worldwide. Therefore, the conclusion that marijuana causes low productivity is not detail-oriented. We need a more precise classification.
5) Memory Loss
Marijuana lowers short-term memory such as: [21]
- Forget the next things to do
- Forget what you are going to say in the middle of the conversation
Interestingly, it's true. But memory function recovers once the effects of marijuana wear off. Also, there is no impact on long-term memory. Therefore, I don't think it's a big problem. That said, excessive use of marijuana may pose risks the same as alcohol. It's better to control your consumption.
6) Heart Attack
The risk of heart attack is several times higher in the hour after smoking marijuana. Because complex effects of marijuana on the cardiovascular system. [22] That said, this is generally not a problem for most people. Someone who has heart disease should ask advice from a doctor before using marijuana.
7) Bad for Teens
Heavy use of marijuana under the tea age of 13 is not recommended.
Needless to say, using marijuana as a minor is illegal. Heavy use of marijuana during adolescence may be harmful to the brain such as executive functions and IQ. [23] Similar to alcohol, marijuana is also prohibited for minors.
That's it. Thank you for reading😌🪴
[1]: Depression | World Health Organization (WHO)
[2]: Depression Treatment after Unsatisfactory Response to SSRIs when used as First-line Therapy
[3]: Antidepressants Don’t Work the Way Many People Think
[4]: Understanding reasons for drug use amongst young people: A functional perspective
[5]: Biphasic Effects of Cannabinoids in Anxiety Responses: CB1 and GABAB Receptors in the Balance of GABAergic and Glutamatergic Neurotransmission
[6]: FDA Approves First Drug Comprised of an Active Ingredient Derived from Marijuana to Treat Rare, Severe Forms of Epilepsy
[7]: CBD vs. THC: What’s the Difference?
[8]: Insomnia - Cleveland Clinic
[9]: Cannabis, pain, and sleep: lessons from therapeutic clinical trials of Sativex, a cannabis-based medicine
[10]: Biochemical modulation of the sleep-wake cycle: endogenous sleep-inducing factors
[11]: Health and Well-Being | World Health Organization (WHO)
[12]: Cannabis and anxiety: a critical review of the evidence
[13]: Association Between Marijuana Exposure and Pulmonary Function Over 20 Years
[14]: Marijuana Shown to Be Less Damaging to Lungs Than Tobacco
[15]: Probability and predictors of transition from first use to dependence on nicotine, alcohol, cannabis, and cocaine: Results of the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC)
[16]: Prevalence of Marijuana Use Disorders in the United States Between 2001–2002 and 2012–2013
[17]: Addiction | Health Effects | Marijuana | CDC
[18]: Drug harms in the UK: a multicriteria decision analysis
[19]: Acute and chronic effects of cannabinoids on effort-related decision-making and reward learning: an evaluation of the cannabis ‘amotivational’ hypotheses
[21]: Does cannabis really affect memory? Here’s what research currently says
[22]: Marijuana and heart health: What you need to know
[23]: Alcohol and Cannabis Use and the Developing Brain