Don’t believe everything you think【考えることが不幸を生む】


» Don't Believe Everything You Think (Joseph Nguyen)

最大の学び : 考えることが不幸を生む




その逆で、ストレスや不安を感じる時はどうか? 多くの人は「自分の課題や問題」について考えている。そして考えすぎることで「ストレスや不安」を生み出している。人間のナチュラルな感情は幸せを生むので、考えすぎると「不幸」になるだけ。つまり幸せになろうとして考えると、不幸になる。


The less thinking we have, the more space we create for positive emotions to naturally surface.




"Don't think. It complicates things. Just feel, and if it feels like home then follow its path.” — R.M. Drake.




So how do we know what to do without thinking? The truth is we tend to know what to do, but we are just afraid to do it. For instance, if we want to lose weight, we already have a good idea of what we need to do. The formula for losing weight isn’t rocket science or written in hieroglyphics. Most of us know that all we need to do is burn more calories than we consume, workout, eat healthy foods, and we’ll lose weight. For anything in life, you most likely already know deep down what to do, but are afraid of doing it or don’t believe that you are good enough to do it.


“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” — Steve Jobs

「自分の心と直感に従う勇気を持つこと。それらはすでに、あなたが本当になりたいものを知っている。それ以外のことは二の次だ。- スティーブ・ジョブズ



Paradoxically, if we do end up achieving a goal created out of desperation, we end up feeling even more empty than we did before it. The next "logical" thing we tend to do is to set an even bigger goal out of even greater desperation to hopefully make us feel whole inside.

逆説的だが、必要だと感じた目標を達成できたとしても、結局は達成前よりも空虚な気分になってしまう。次に私たちがやりがちな "論理的 "なことは、より大きな目標を設定し、願わくば自分の内側が丸ごと満たされたような気分になることだ。

1つの目標を達成したら、また次の目標を目指す。これの無限ループです。 これだと疲れるだけなので、もう少し「直感」に頼ろうと思いました。



» Don't Believe Everything You Think (Joseph Nguyen)


Being physically struck by an arrow is painful. Being struck by a second emotional arrow is even more painful (suffering). The Buddha explained, “In life, we can’t always control the first arrow. However, the second arrow is our reaction to the first. The second arrow is optional.”

Our feelings do not come from external events, but from our own thinking about the events.

Who would you be without that thought that you hated your job? Take 1 minute to see what comes up for you and don't move on until you do that. If you don't overthink it and truly let the answers surface from within you, without that thought, you will most likely feel and be happy, peaceful, free, and light.

we can change our feelings by changing our thinking. Thus, we can change our experience of life by knowing that it comes from our own thinking.

In short, the moment we stop thinking is when our happiness begins.

At that moment he remembered his mentors’ question, “Do you know what is really making you angry?” And then wondered, “It’s not other people, situations, or circumstances. It’s not the empty boat, but my reaction to it that causes my anger. All the people or situations that make me upset and angry are just like the empty boat. They don’t have the power to make me angry without my own reaction.”

“Stop thinking and end your problems.” ― Lao Tzu

Thinking is the root cause of all our psychological suffering. Now you might be wondering, where do positive thoughts fit into the picture? Positive thoughts, or thoughts that feel good, are not a result of thinking. They are, instead, generated by our natural state of peace, love, and joy. They are a byproduct of a state of being, not a state of thinking. We will go into depth about this in the next chapter.

The only thing that was useful and helpful was the initial thought that popped into your mind when I first asked how much you wanted to make. All of the thinking that happened after was destructive and unhelpful. Thoughts create. Thinking destroys.

Without thinking, we prevent all negative programming and judgements from tarnishing the initial thought of what you want to create.

I use my feelings as an internal radar that tells me whether I’m getting direct downloads of thoughts from the Universe or if I’m in my head thinking about my thoughts.

What's crazy is that most people didn't have any thoughts going through their mind when they felt the happiest and the most amount of love in their lives. For those that had the thought that they were grateful, they felt that way before having that thought. If they had that thought, it happened after they felt the feelings, so the thought could not have produced the feeling. This brings us to another truth: you do not have to have thoughts or think to feel positive emotions.

Here's why we don't need to have thoughts or think to feel positive emotions like joy and love. Our natural state of being IS joy, love, ecstasy, freedom, and gratitude.

Our natural state of being is joy, love, and peace. Therefore, any thinking that we do will only take us away from those natural states of being, which is why whenever we feel extremely stressed, we are having a LOT of thinking going on. The strength of the negative emotion we feel is in direct proportion to how much thinking we are doing in the moment.

the less thinking we have going on, the stronger the positive emotion we feel in the present.

An analogy that my coach taught me that helped crystallize this concept was to imagine our mind has a speedometer (like in a car), but instead of miles per hour, it is thoughts per minute. The more thinking we have going on, the higher the “thought-o-meter” goes, and if we have enough thinking going on, it'll go into the red zone. This is when we feel extremely stressed, burned out, frustrated, and angry.

To summarize, we do not have to try to "think positive" to experience love, joy, bliss, and any positive emotions we want because it is our natural state to feel those emotions. The only times we don't naturally feel these emotions is when we begin to think about the thoughts we're having, thus blocking the direct connection to Infinite Intelligence and we feel stressed, anxious, depressed, and fearful. It is not about the content of our thinking, but that we're thinking, which is the root cause of our suffering.

The less thinking we have, the more space we create for positive emotions to naturally surface.

Imagine I give you a bowl of cloudy, dirty, murky water. If I asked you, how you would make the water clear, how would you do it? Take 15 seconds to see what answers you come up with before moving on. Most people say something along the lines of filtering the water or even boiling it. What most people don't realize is that if we let the bowl of dirty water sit for a period of time, we can see that the dirt begins to settle on its own in the water and after a while, the water becomes clear on its own.

For example, we want to create a multi-million-dollar business because we want financial freedom, or we want to quit our job so that we can escape the stress and anxiety that comes from it. We feel like we HAVE to do these things instead of WANT to.

Paradoxically, if we do end up achieving a goal created out of desperation, we end up feeling even more empty than we did before it. The next "logical" thing we tend to do is to set an even bigger goal out of even greater desperation to hopefully make us feel whole inside.

goals and dreams created out of inspiration (which comes from thought) feel very light, energizing, uplifting, and expansive. We tend to feel excited, joyful, and most importantly, inspired.

"Don't think. It complicates things. Just feel, and if it feels like home then follow its path.” — R.M. Drake.

"There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so." — William Shakespeare

Here's an analogy that helps put this into perspective. On a piano, there are 88 keys. When we look at a piano, we don't point out specific keys for no reason and say that that key is "wrong". We only think a specific key is "wrong", if we think someone is playing a specific song and hits a key that isn't in the song. Inherently, the piano has no wrong keys though. There are only keys and notes that sound more or less pleasant when played consecutively.

So how do we know what to do without thinking? The truth is we tend to know what to do, but we are just afraid to do it. For instance, if we want to lose weight, we already have a good idea of what we need to do. The formula for losing weight isn’t rocket science or written in hieroglyphics. Most of us know that all we need to do is burn more calories than we consume, workout, eat healthy foods, and we’ll lose weight. For anything in life, you most likely already know deep down what to do, but are afraid of doing it or don’t believe that you are good enough to do it.

The only thing that is stopping us from accessing this abundance of knowledge is our own thinking.

“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” — Steve Jobs

So why don’t more people listen to their intuition if it always knows what to do and creates abundance whenever it is followed? Fear.

» Don't Believe Everything You Think (Joseph Nguyen)

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