The Fun Habit: 昔のように「遊ぶように働こう」と決意できた本

Discover the latest scientific evidence for the potent and revitalizing value of fun and how to make having fun a habitual and authentic part of your daily life with “this well-researched and impressive guide”.
» The Fun Habit (Mike Rucker PhD)
How much time should I be seeking to spend on fun? Here's a starting place: two hours a day. This recommendation is grounded from two empirical sources: first, research from Dr. Marissa Sharif, Dr. Cassie Mogilner Holmes, and Dr. Hal Hershfield that suggests the "Goldilocks" sweet spot for leisure time is between two to five hours a day (more than five hours and the weight of being overly nonproductive might have a negative psychological impact), and second, data around Americans and leisure time that indicate what's average in the United States, suggesting that two hours is at least an attainable baseline for most of us.
In the 1970s, Donald MacKinnon produced some groundbreaking research studying successful people considered the most creative in their fields. MacKin-non wanted to know if some inborn trait, like high IQ set these people apart. As it turned out, it wasn't an inherent trait. What he found was that they had developed a "way of operating" chat allowed them to engage with work as play. He didn't call it a Fun Habit, but that, in essence, is what it was- -just applied to work. And because they had this habit, their